May 15, 2009

I see that Phinny found his way back here yesterday. He is such a troublemaker that young man. As he told everyone, Pearle is going to live with us and be part of our family. That said, I as the senior (not old) cat in the house, think we should all just try to get along.

So, I thought I'd be the cat that tells everyone a little bit about our new sister.

She is tiny and dainty. She is shiny, shiny black except for a very white bib under her chip, the tips of her fingers and the tip of her tail. She has very good hygiene (which is something that Phinny could take note of and possibly emulate). She has sparkly white whiskers and two tiny tiny dots of white on her chin. Her face is a very pointy triangle. And she is bilingual.

Yup, she is... French/English to be exact. She speaks with a lovely francophone accent. She told us her story when she first came to visit, so I thought I'd share it with you.

She was a little girl living in an apartment just outside of Montreal Quebec in what she thought would be her forever home. Apparently they have a tradition in Quebec called Fête du déménagement - this means "Moving Day". Almost everyone who lives in an apartment moves on July 1, as most leases run out on June 30. Anyway, last year on moving day, she was just a very little girl and several families on her floor in her building was packing up their belongings to move. She was still a kitten (only about 10 weeks old) and when her peeps starting packing, she got very nervous. At first she hid under the bed, then she found a box full of towels, which looked like a wonderful comfy hiding place/sleeping place. So, she crawled in and snuggled way down under the layers of towels.

Now this is the really scary part. While she was sleeping the peeps put the box that she was inside, right next to the boxes from the next apartment next door. Then before she could say "Arret" (stop in french). The movers picked her box up and plopped her into a moving van full of boxes going everywhere. When she woke up, she cried and cried, because she had to go to the litter box, but she couldn't get out. Finally, (because she is a small and very flexible cat), she was able to squeeze out of the box and ...

You'll have to wait for the next part because it's 6:15 and the lady peep has to shut down thelaptop and take it to the office Okay


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

See, we knew yoo weren't gonna whine about yoor new sisfur/cuzzin. Yoo hadda accept Phinney but dis is da first time Phinney haf to accept somecat else. And he's prolly worried acuz her hygeen is so much better den his. Yoo should assure him dat not being real clean is a mancat thing. Can't wait to hear da rest of da story.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, we're glad to see you back again!

Can't wait to find out what comes next for the poor kitty.