May 14, 2009

Dat Purle Gurle is still here!!!

Dis is me, and brofur ed and cussin purle. Yez diz is currekt diz is a 3 cat household now. Dat cussin cat o-fish-a-lee lives wif us. I duz not fink dis is da best possubul outcome fer me and brofur ed. But...dat peep lady duz not want cussin purle to hafta find anofur furrever home

So we has got togefur and decided dese are da only condishuns dat we will put up wif dat purle gurl cat.

1. She cannot efur right on diz blog
2. She hafts to wait fer her turn on da lapz - no squeezin in and lickin mine ears or brofur ed's ears - or da ears on dat lady peep eifer
3. No crien for foods at 4:30 a.m. (diz is a condishion straite from dat peep lady.
4 No bein really nice and makin us really really like her, cuz shez pretty and dainty and lady like.
5. Any ovfur condishions dat me and brofur ed come up wiff later.

1 comment:

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Are yoo sure dat is what Ed thinks? We think, maybe, yoo guys like haffing her around...really, think about it, ear washes! Ear washes are great and she can do other stuff fur yoo too, like wash da back of yoor head, pre-warm chairs and look really cute and get yoo all treats.