January 15, 2008

Pikjurs of brofur ed and me on dat new treehoue

See dis iza pikjure of dat treehouse. Itz wonerful fun to be playin an playin wif it. An' dat man peep just brotted it home one day from his huntin grounz. We waznt egg-spec-tin anofur presunt so soon after dat chris-mouse leffted us lots. We is tree-men-justly for-tuna-ate cats.

As yuze can see brofur ed is somfin of a treehouse hog. I wantz to get inside too.

Dis is me when i shoz efferyone my a-jilidy fer climbin onto dat treehouse. Can yuze see brofur ed hidin insida dere. I hez gotta be vera quick or hez gonna put da bitey on my belly. My plan is to jumponta dat roof and scarify him. See....Here I goez.

Whew, datz very dane-jer-us climbin, but ize a vera brave boycat. (Ize not a babee cat no more)

Dis is me and brofur ed diskussin important fings like reghardin when iz it mine turn to get inside off dat house.

I fink we boff looks s-pesh-ally hansome today. Can yuze see mine cool ear tufts? I fink Ize turnin into a big mancat lynx cat. Az you can see i gotz mine lazer eyz on you. Dat means I ken see whut yuze is doin.

Dat means you gotsta come back and visit wif us soon. Wez verra happy to see yuz.


Just Ducky said...

What a cool tree you got. Now don't fight over it!

Chrissie said...

Hey, Phin! That is one cool tree you and Fat Eddy have..I think I need one, too. Looks like you're the Top Cat in the last picture!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You guys are so cool~~~
That must be lots of fun!


What a cool tree...you guys are having so much fun!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a cool tree, and that sure looks like my brother, except a little bigger and floofier!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Aw Phin, Eddy prolly would let yoo in der but it's hard to share a really nice space...sorry, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

You two are the handsome-est, fluffy-est boys we've ever seen!