January 21, 2008

7 random things about me and Phinney

Phinney and I are going to do a meme today beause our new buddy JB over at JB's Small World tagged us.

I'm Ed and I'm going first because I'm the oldest and biggest and I said so.

1. I do not let my peeps sleep in...ever. Nope. Nosirree Bob. They are expected and required to get up and feed me no later than 6:00 am. on weekdays and 7:00 on weekends. If they don't, they hear from me. I talk and yell really loudly and when I sit on the lady peeps belly, she always has to get up and go to the bathroom. Then she's up.

2. I do not care for food shaped like an "x" . They are too pointy. When x's show up in my food dish, I pick them up and place them on the counter. See the picture. Actually these ones are fish, but they gots those x's for tails. Usually Phinney bats them off onto the floor for Sam the Dog. Stoopid Dog.

3. My girlfriend (Princess Zipporah) is a princess. And she's beautiful...I am a very lucky tomcat. When you click here, you'll see her blog. Ain't she lovely.

an' now itz mine turn - diz is Phinney dat boycat.

4. Dat furz fing you needz to know is i has speshul majical a-bill-idy. Dat's right,I ken readz yer mind. I noze wen you wants to rub mine belly or mine earz. Den i jumps up onto yer laps and rollz over onto my bak and dere you go. You is happy
and so is i.

5. I iz almost a growed up boycat now. Dat means when I fitz with brofur ed, he gottsa fitz back fer real now. I iz practizin pouncin and attackin alldatime and soon, Ize gonna getz him.

6. I luvs when dat peep lady rub mine belly - efen wif her footz. See da pikjure, shez got turrible funny lookin claws. Dey don't gotz no furs on 'em. hahahah

7. I gotz a jinormus fluffy tail as you ken see in diz pikjure. Itz my most speshul at-rib-oot an' it makes me verra hansome in a movee star kinda way. Datz what dat peep lady sez. If i was a bean movee star, i'd be jest like george clooney. (he is all dat - jest like me).

Now, I guess we should tag someone else for this meme, but we don't know anyone who hasn't done it yet. Anybody who reads this, feel free to link back to us and tell everyone 7 randon things about yourself.


    The Meezers or Billy said...

    those are some great things to know. we think it's funny that you separate your foods - hee hee

    Tybalt said...

    Wow . . . the separating food thing is pretty neat! I don't think I've ever known another kitty to do that. Phinny, you have one gorgeous floofy tail! It makes me kind of sad that I only have a half of a floofy tail.

    Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

    You guys are really interesting - especially the seperating the food thing. Good for you telling your beans in such a creative way that the x food just will not do!

    Boy said...

    Wow, isn't that a whole wot of twouble having to take out all the x-es fwom your food? I can see you're teaching wittle Phinney the naunces of food connoisseurship. That is vewy important.

    The Crew said...

    You know Eddy, there's nothing wrong with being selective about what you eat. But dogs, they'll eat anything, so to ahead and push what you don't want onto the floor. Some dog will come along and find it.

    Phinney, are you chowing down all the time, man? All of a sudden you're so big!!

    Jan Price said...

    That was interesting. We only wake Jan up really early when we run out of food in our bowls. And we've been doing that a lot lately. She's getting she-nile or whatever that is.

    Jan's funny farm felines

    Black Cat said...

    Those are very interesting facts, specially the picking out the x-shaped foods - that's funny:) xxx

    JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

    Those are some great things to know about you both. Thanks for playing and hope to see you again soon!

    Lux said...

    It was fun reading about you - especially about the "x" foods!

    Anonymous said...

    the Lady's laffin' like a crazy purrson 'bout the x-shaped foods. an Phinney, we agree wif you 'bout yur tale a-hunnerd purrcent. wowee! that's sum kinda fluff you got goin' on!

    Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

    U definately have a very fluffy tail. We love your tummy too. And we also think that you are a very very handsome cat, enough to make Garlic jealous.

    Ginger & Pepper

    World of Animals, Inc. said...

    Thanks for sharing seven things about you. At least with the x food, you put it nicely outside of your bowl. We also think you have a wonderful fluffy tail. It was fun reading about you. Have a great day.
    World of Animals