February 03, 2008

Another Chapter is ready.

Hi, its me Fat Eddy. There's another chapter ready in Whiteflower Field. If you click on the link over there...., you can read it.


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Fat Eddy & Phinney!!!!
How are you guyz??? We sure miss you.. & we haz had troubull keepin' up wit our blog...but we keeps checkin' on you & readin' your momeez stuff.
We hopes you come to our V-Day cruize...cuz we lovez you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Eddy, how have yoo been? It's snowing pretty good here and we'z suppose to get 16". We'z going over to read the story now, maybe yoo can come visit tomorrow and bring Phinny, Speedy will play with him.~Zippy