August 28, 2007

Gotcha - I had a party at home

Yup, we hadta go to the kitty camp because the peeps were having a party and they was very afraid that me and Phinny would get outside and run away. BUT, before everyone gets made and thinks they forgot my "gotcha" day. Nope...THEY DID NOT... Both peeps were really really cool and gave me some excellent presents and lots of hugs, headbutts and chin skritches (There is nothing in the world better than falling asleep on the ladypeep's lap while she's scritching your chin). The first present was Fishy flavoured TEMPTATIONS and the second amazing present was a new cat tree for me to play on. It is so cool. It is really really tall and I can see everything in the whole basement when I'm sitting on the top has 3 platforms so I can choose if I want to be really high, or just a bit high.

The man peep even hung some really cool new toys on it. and they found my green fruffy thing and put it on the second platform. I almost cried I was so happy. I never imagined I'd be so surprised with a great present.

The lady peep says I hafta let Phinny climb up on the tree sometimes. Right now I he's not quite brave enough to go up to the top, so he sits on the middle platform and stretches up really really tall to try to get up there with me.

Heh, heh, not yet little bro. You'll get up there when I say its okay.

There may be some new pictures coming soon, if the lady peep ever recovers from her lobster party.

OH...I'm not a big fan of lobster... I decided I like the smell and I like to play with the claws, but that's good enough for me. Phinny does NOT like anything to do with lobsters at all.


Ivan from WMD said...

I can't wait to see your new tree. Oh, and I don't like lobster either. I think I'd just rather have the butter.

Lux said...

I'm glad you had a great Gotcha Day! Sounds like you got some great presents - I love cat trees!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Eddy, yoo had a grate Gotcha day! We're thinking about taking a vacation, well the beans are. We would just go into hiding from who ever they get to kitty sit us. We don't beleeve it will ever happen, they've thretened this afore and it din't happen....

Anonymous said...

ooh - your purresents sound wonderful! we're really looking forward to pictures. hey - if you wanna see some pictures, come on over to our blog. it's suddenly become overrun by stranger cats. there's a big fat one and two teeny tiny ones. help!

Boy said...

Wow! It sounds wike an awesome Gotcha day party!
The wady peep been to a lobster party? Did she bwing some back for you?

The Crew said...

What great Gotcha Day gifts! We can't wait to see a picture of you & Phinny on your cat tree.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day from the Fluffy Tribe

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day! Have fun in your cat tree!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy belated gotcha day, don't furrgit the pikchurs of yer new tree. We like the pikchurs of yoo and Phinny togevver.