September 10, 2007

Phinney has to go to the VET

Yup he does, Yup he's hoohooectomy time. Heh heh heh. Tomorrow. I didn't tell him yet. Well actually the lady peep told him, but he doesn't know what it means.

I think he'll understand tomorrow.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Be nice to him okay Eddie, remember how hard it was for yoo. And remember, he'll smell funny when he gets home but I do beleeve if yoo check the, er, "tail end" yoo'll find it really is the little bugger.~Zippy

The Crew said...

Phinney, try not to be too upset. This is something all us guys have been through and we know you'll be feeling better in a few days.

George & Max