I've been quite irresponsible and neglectful lately - its waaaaaaaaay to hot to sit at the computer upstairs in the daytime and the lady peep turns it off at night, cause she says I make too much noise when I'm typing at 2:00 a.m.
In the last two weeks, I've escaped into the outdoors twice. The lady peep has a new routine now to come into the house. She rings the doorbell before she unlocks the door, because that always makes Sam bark really loud. I think she thinks its a distraction. Then she opens the door really fast and makes this loud hissing sound that she thinks will scare me into staying away from the door. ITS NOT WORKING.
Then she pushes her handbag into the door and drops it right away, so I can't jump outside. I think she's being mean... But to give her credit, she does pull the screen across right away and lets me sit in the doorway and look outside.
There's a mean old magpie outside making faces at me. One of the times I escaped was when I just absolutely had to chase him off the front yard. He was walking up and down the driveway making fun of me. I had to show him whose territory he was on.
The other time I escaped was an accident. It involved a bug on the screen and me jumping up to get it - thereby pushing my considerable weight against the screen, which caused it to fly open and "hey presto" I was free. I almost got away completely that time. It was just really lucky for the ladypeep that she came around the corner of the house and saw me standing in the driveway deciding which way I was going to go - left to the park, or right to the Wal-Mart...
Oh, BIG BIG NEWS I gotta tell you something I heard. The lady peep is trying to find me a baby brother. She's been telling me all kinds of stories about this cute black kitten she's wants us to adopt. Hes just a baby and I gots a picture of him. I think he's ugly...the lady peep says that's called sibling rivalry and I'd have to promise to be a good brother before she makes up her mind.
Here's his picture. Ain't he something. He's the black one and he's called a Himilyian (spelled wrong). The lady peep says I'd get to help pick out his name.

Maybe a little brother wouldn't be so bad. Whatdaya think?
I think little brothers are a pain in the as... ::Zippy, you can't use dat werd!:: Oh alright! They're a pain in the backside! Altho, sumtimes he can be nice. He does get us temp-tay-shuns and catnip a cuppul times a day. He keeps Sadie out of my fur...Yeah, they can be okay. Oh, Eddy my sweet, I tagged you for a meme. It's been awhile since we've heard from you and I thought it was time to hear more about you~Zippy
I'm glad you didn't get in trouble when you made those escapes. Outside isn't all it's cracked up to be, although I guess it could be useful when you need to make a magpie go away.
A little brother could be fun! Think of all the neat things you could teach him!
The little brother kitten is absolutely adorable !
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