July 16, 2007

I got Tagged....How cool is that.

Thank you to my best gurrlfriend Zippy for tagging me for this meme. So here goes.

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Nuthin, I wasn't even born yet.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

Exactly the same dang thing I'm doing now. Looking out the window and wishing the magpies would stop making fun of me and Sam the Dog.

5 snacks you enjoy?

Well I recently discovered temptations - so 1) fishy flavored temptations, 2) orange cheese, not the white stuff or the stinky blue stuff, 3) cream, 4) tuna fish from the can and 5) dog food (shh, I didn't say that out loud)

5 songs to which you know all the lyrics?

1 - the Cat came back
2 - Folsum Prison Blues
3 - All the songs from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
4 - I like Cat Stevens Songs -
5. Hi Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle.

5 things you would do if you were a millionaire

Buy the tempatations factory
Becoming a recording star
Publish my memoirs
Eat tunafish every day
Buy a kitty door so I could go outside whenever I wanted to

5 bad habits?

I don't always floss twice a day.
I attack Sam the Dog every chance I get
I'm addicted to writing my blog and reading other
I pick my toes in public
I refuse to exercise.

5 things you enjoy doing

I love attacking Sam the Dog and batting him with my front paws
I love headbutts with the man peep
I love looking out the window
I love eating
I love staying awake when everyone else is sleeping.

5 things you would never wear again?

I never overdress but I'd rather never wear a collar.
I never want to wear those fake toenails the lady peep made we wear before I understood about retractable claws.
I never want to wear one of those cones the VET made me wear after my operation....nope never want to do that again.
and that's all I can think of for now.

5 favorite toys?

My climbing tree
My glow in the dark ball
The catnip toys my girl Zippy sent me
The lady peep is a great toy, so is the man peep, not so much Sam
Marble (does that count)
My green fruffy thing

Now I hafta tag 3 friends - so I tag Fat Eric, Mattingly and Grr Midnight and Coca. I'll talk to everyone again soon, and of course, if any of you guys is tagged already, then any other cat/critter out there, please consider this your invite to tell us all more about you.

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