October 23, 2006

I'm so bored....

You know what....I'm bored...yesiree, I'm freaking bored. I need to take up a hobby. This is all I've done today.

5:45 a.m. - knocked on the door of the bedroom to remind the peeps that it was time to get up.
5:50 a.m. - knocked again (got a response this time)
6:00 a.m. - tripped the lady peep by walking between her feet while she was groping her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen in the dark.
6:10 - came out of my hiding place (you'd hide too, if you just heard what the lady peep said she was going to do to me if I didn't quit walking all over her first thing in the morning).
6:11-6:20 - cried and begged for breakfast (the lady peep thinks it's more important to start the coffee pot and take a shower than make breakfast for me). WRONG.
6:20 - smacked Marble on the nose because he was getting to close to my food dish, then got a lecture from the lady peep about playing nice and sharing.
6:30 - Played mousie on a string with the lady peep. Stoopid Marble and Stoopid Dog keep wanting the lady peep to play with them. Got another lecture.
6:31 - Took a time out from playing mousie to run into the bedroom and get most of the way under the bed so the man peep could step on my tail when he got up.
6:45 - Came out of my hiding place....again...jeez, peeps are not sociable in the a.m.
7:00 - Helped make the bed.
7:15 - Took a little cat nap - lots of activitiy so far this morning.
7:30 - Said goodbye to the peeps and looked out the window for a while.
8:00 - Played downstairs on my kitty condo, lotsa fun.
8:30 - Took a bathroom break
8:32 - Smacked Marble on the nose because he wanted to get into the litter box with me.
8:40 - Headed back upstairs to see if there was any food left in the bowl (nope).
8:45 - Decided to have a drink of water but couldn't get the tap to open, so drank from the dog's dish instead. (I'm saving mine for later).
8:50 - Marble and me played Chase around the furniture. He's really fast.
9:00 - Time for my bath
10:00 - All nice and clean finally, so decided to take a nap.
11:00 - Ran downstairs and upstairs 1/2 dozen times (needed some exercise).
11:30 - Looked for things to chase - found a paperclip and played with it until I pushed it under the fridge. Now I got a dustbunny to play with.
12:00 - Felt kinda dusty, so decided to have another bath.
12:30 - Helped Marble do some grooming (he's almost bald but still has trouble getting to a spot near the back of his neck, so I agreed to wash it for him).
12:40 - Snoozed in the sun in the sewing room curled up with Marble.
1:00 - Took another bathroom break - had to smack Marble again.
2:00 - Decided to check out the top of the dresser in the peep's room. Sometimes there's good stuff there. Knocked a small candle over and dropped 2 dimes and a nickle down behind the dresser.
2:30 - Oops, didn't mean to knock the lamp off the nighttable - nothing broken - but I'll have to figure out some way to make it look like someone else did it.
3:00 - Played hide and seek with Marble and the dog.
3:30 - Catnap again.
4:00 - Went downstairs to wait by the front door for the peeps to come home.
4:30 - Yeah, the lady peep is home. Perhaps she'll feed me.
4:45 - Came out of my hiding place....dang the lady peep is clumsy, she keeps tripping over me.
5:00 - Helped the lady peep chop vegetables for dinner.
5:30 - Had a drink with the lady peep - water for me, wine for her.
6:00 - Let the lady peep pat me and rub my ears and nose and chin for a while. Got a lecture about taking turns with Marble and the dog.
6:30 - Yeah, the man peep is home now. He always give me a treat when he's waiting for supper to finish cooking.
7:00 - Watched the peeps eat dinner.
7:15 - Helped with the dishes. (Smacked the water all over the sink).
7:20 - Decided to write this blog....

So that was my whole day - all that's left to do is play Mousie with the lady peep again and then go downstairs and sit on her quilting hoop so she can't do any more quilting until after she's petted me.

Any ideas about other things I could be doing?


The Fluffy Tribe said...

We don't know Eddie, you sound kinda busy to us ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow Eddie, you're day makes me sleepy just reading it. Are there any fun fringe things like table runners you can chew on? I likes to chew on shoestrings on, or off the foot. Even though I have my own, it is fun to wrestle a shoe into submission.....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect day.

Millie said...

Fat Eddy, that sounds like a terrific day. I laughed a lot reading it. I have to learn your tricks. But I don't have a woofy dog to pester, and I don't want to smack Gizzy on the nose.

The Crew said...

Might I suggest some wildlife viewing or patroling your house for vermin?

I find that's always a good way to spend a few hours in the afternoon.

Maxwell Smartkitty

Fat Eric said...

I don't know, Fat Eddy, perhaps you need to build in some more naptime? Or watching the wildlife out of the windows? I tend to spend a lot of time doing both. Nice to hear from you again!

Mattingly said...

Oh yes I agree that you probably don't nap quite enough. Also is it possible to bathe Marble or the dog? I find that bathing Harlie or even Mom or Dad takes up a significant portion of the day.