September 15, 2006

Pictures and random thoughts...

Aren't these peep's cool. They're Stefanie and Jessica. Jessica is the grandchild peep and Stefanie is the daughter peep. They were here visiting just a while ago and they brought my best friend along to visit with me. Here is his picture. His name is Marble (because he looks kinda like a block of marble cheddar cheese).

Today is a really rainy cold day in Edmonton, Alberta. The peeps were away in Canmore Alberta yesterday and it was snowing. Can you believe it. I can barely remember snow from last year because I was still a baby, but I remember it was white and it fell out of the sky.

I'm sitting downstairs in the basement on my climbing tree watching TV with the peeps and working on my blog at the same time. I'm a really multi-tasking kitty. The peeps brought home this really silly cartoon video about lions. I can't decide whether I like it or not. It's about a big lion and a little lion. The little lion can't roar and is trying to get back to the wild, or something like that. The best part is the squirrel. He's got attitude. He looks sorta like the ones I can see running along the fence in my back yard.

The lady peep said to post this picture of the grandchild peep for everyone to see. The lady peep says the grandchild peep is growing up and will soon be a teenager. I wonder if I'll be a teenager pretty soon?


Meowers from Missouri said...

you gots some nice peeps there! they look like they love kitties. marble looks like he makes a really good buddy. glad you have him.

SNOW??? ALREADY???? hokey-smokes, we just barely got rid of the extreme heat. well, you you canadians are always a bit before us in weather, eh?

our She loves yer picture in the bag! will ya be at skeezy's tomorrow? hope we see ya there!

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh how cool they brought your best friend to visit too! That was furry nice of them. Your pictures are great. :)