August 10, 2006

Its the "Bees Knees"

Here is something new which I just recently found out...Once in a while, only in the summer time buzzy things called bees get into your house. When they do, you can chase them and sometimes when you're really quiet and careful you catch them. Unless of course you have a man peep in your house who squishes them with a paper towel and then throws them out the front door before you can get a chance.

What I want to know is why do lady peeps get so freaked out every time they see one of them. They are wee little things and make lots of noise when they fly, so they can't even sneak up on you. Last night the man peep was in Calgary when something just about the same as a bee (only smalled, louder, meaner and skinnier...called a wasp) came into the house when th lady peep let the dog outside. When she saw it, the lady peep jumped about a mile and ran down the hall into the bedroom and closed the door really tight. Since the man peep wasn't home, I did what had to be done. I stalked it quietly and watched it while it tried to find its way out the living room window. Stoopid bug, there is no way out the window. I jumped stealthily up onto the coffee table and from there onto the chair and then onto to the stereo cabinet. From there, I could reach up and smack the little thing senseless. Which, of course I did... Then it fell down off the window onto the floor. I jumped on it right away and plopped my big front paw on it. Then I couldn't see it anymore, so I lifted up my paw and it got away from me. Apparently wasps are smarter than they look. So I had to chase it again. I didn't mind because I was really enjoying myself. This is much more fun than playing with a mouse on a string. Anyway to make a long story short, I quickly smacked him and stomped on him again. This time I lifted him up with my paw AND THEN I ATE HIM.

The lady peep was really upset with me because she said the wasp might sting me. What does that mean? Whatever it means, he couldn't do it because he was inside my tummy. I felt so cool and powerful. I hope another one gets in again really soon so I can be a hunter again.


The Crew said...

Eddy you're a very good son to protect your Mom like that and you're very brave, too. I only get spideys, unless they're crawlin' on the ceiling, then I can't jump that high.

Maxwell Smartkitty

a fluffy feline friend said...

Jasmine also doesn't like any of those little buzzy things.

You are very brave Eddy, and such a good protector of your beanmom.

Ricki said...

Glad you didn't get stung Eddy, my guy Simba like to chase bees and wasps and stuff too, but I am always afraid he is going to get stung