July 24, 2006

My favorite little peep is here for a visit.

I just thought I'd let everyone know that the peep's granddaughter has come to visit and she got so big, I can't believe it. She looks like a teenager already. The lady peep and the man peep can't stop watching her. It's so amazing to see someone grow up so fast.

I did a very bad thing this morning. You may have read that we got a new Phantom Screen door just last weekend...well I banged it this morning because there was a fly on it that I needed to swat and the screen came off the track. My lady peep and man peep were both kinda upset with me, but we tried hard to get it fixed and I think it'll be okay. See that's what happens when you are a big strong boy... Bad things sometimes happen. Stoopid fly, I'll get him next time. O did you guys know that one of my new favorite things to eat is bumblebees. It really freaks out the lady peep and the granddaughter peep.

The man peep and the granddaughter peep went to the new Pirates of the Caribbean Movie today WITHOUT me or the lady peep. That's 'cause the lady peep had to work and they don't let me go outside, even to the movies. Sam the Dog didn't go either, so I don't feel quite so bad.

So, I'm still really excited and hoping to get my "Secret Paws" soon. Sam the Dog will be really jealous.


Unknown said...

What's wrong with your people? Don't they know that a fly can carry all sorts of germs and that you were just protecting them and that precious visitor you have? How dare they get upset at you? Beans.

Hot(M)BC said...

Make them get the Pirates movie on DVD when it comes out. I love watchin movies on DVD.

~~ Boni

The Crew said...

Eddy, you cannot be held responsible for damage that was obviously caused by the fly!

Spock said...

Fat Eddy, am you mine secrit paw?!?!?!

I bet flys taste good......

Fat Eric said...

Fat Eddy, I have tagged you! Come to my blog to see what you have to do if you want to play.