So I just took my beautiful box of life off the mantlepiece in the family room and me and Phinny are going to open it together with you guys. Lets see what's inside.
Whoa, lots of pictures of my peeps. Right on top is that picture of the lady peep and the man peep hugging like crazy when she finished running her first marathon. They look so happy together. I'm proud of my peeps.
Next, is that cool pic of the daughter peep and the granddaughter peep and me having a cuddle in bed together one morning when they were here visiting.
And naturally pictures of my peeps includes a candid shot of my best friend cat peep in the world, Marble. We took this one just after he returned from his great adventure outside last winter. I was so glad when he came home. You can see he only has 1/2 of his left his ear left.
Yikes, heres a picture of Sam the Dog on Christmas morning, with me whapping him on the head because he couldn't wait his turn. I was much younger then and he was still a Stoopid dog.
And last of all, here's the newest picture in the peep group, It's Phinny wearing that silly scarf when he plays Cowboy Shoot em Up with me. I don't think I was ever that foolish.
o-key doh-key brofur ed, itz my turn to open my box. See dis is it. Itz verra spark-lee and dat peep lady sez itz brake-able.
I wants to take a big bitey offda corner of dat box afore I opens it. I betcha its deliciuz....nope i guess itz not fer eating. Okay I'z openin da box. Ta Dah, (I likes to be tee-at-rucal sumtimes). Whoa, whut is dat fing doin in dere? its dat fing what makes the red dots dat I chases down da hallway in da morning. I luves to chase da red dot. Me and da peep lady playzs togefur almost every morning. Ize a big boy cat now and sum day soon Ize gonna catch it and Ize gonna give it to da peep lady, 'cause dats whut I wants to do wif it.
Whoa, lots of pictures of my peeps. Right on top is that picture of the lady peep and the man peep hugging like crazy when she finished running her first marathon. They look so happy together. I'm proud of my peeps.
Next, is that cool pic of the daughter peep and the granddaughter peep and me having a cuddle in bed together one morning when they were here visiting.
And naturally pictures of my peeps includes a candid shot of my best friend cat peep in the world, Marble. We took this one just after he returned from his great adventure outside last winter. I was so glad when he came home. You can see he only has 1/2 of his left his ear left.
Yikes, heres a picture of Sam the Dog on Christmas morning, with me whapping him on the head because he couldn't wait his turn. I was much younger then and he was still a Stoopid dog.
And last of all, here's the newest picture in the peep group, It's Phinny wearing that silly scarf when he plays Cowboy Shoot em Up with me. I don't think I was ever that foolish.
o-key doh-key brofur ed, itz my turn to open my box. See dis is it. Itz verra spark-lee and dat peep lady sez itz brake-able.
I wants to take a big bitey offda corner of dat box afore I opens it. I betcha its deliciuz....nope i guess itz not fer eating. Okay I'z openin da box. Ta Dah, (I likes to be tee-at-rucal sumtimes). Whoa, whut is dat fing doin in dere? its dat fing what makes the red dots dat I chases down da hallway in da morning. I luves to chase da red dot. Me and da peep lady playzs togefur almost every morning. Ize a big boy cat now and sum day soon Ize gonna catch it and Ize gonna give it to da peep lady, 'cause dats whut I wants to do wif it.
Phinny you silly baby cat, the box of life is supposed to be full of everything that's really important in your world. Things like family and friends.
I knows dat, but I finks dat red dot fing is verra important. Its boff bee-ut-e-full and verra fast and I luvs it 'cause me and dat peep lady is havin sum-a-da qual-it-tee time togefurr when we playz wif it. See, I does unnerstan 'bout dis box of life stuff. Ize not a baby anymore. <
Well there's lots more stuff in here, but the lady peep says we have to keep it short because she has to load the computer up to take it to work. So here's what else I'd keep in my box of life.
My friends especially all the great cats and their peeps
The warm spot in front of the fireplace in the family room where I sometimes nap
The box of fabric scraps in the lady peeps sewing room (also a great place 'cause it and the whole room smells like the lady peep).
Phinny wants to say something now too. He is being such a pest/stinker today.
Deese are da fings dat I fink most s-pesh-u-ally gots to be in my box of life.
brofer ed - a'cause hes da one dats teachin me about being a boy cat
my food dish - an it better be full in dere a'cause I getz hungry lotza time and treatz - dere's gotsa be sum of doze in dere.
and dats all fur now bye love from brofer ed and Phinny da babee cat
So, here's the rules, I got tagged by Dr. Tweety, and now I'm tagging any other cat or peep out there who wants to play.
A SIMPLE BUT VERY IMPORTANT MEME: List your treasures and tag other kitties and their humans also, as many as you like. Let this reflection spread through out the world. We need to count our contentments as Blessings!
~~~What do you look back over and treasure enough to place inside your BOX OF LIFE?
Just come across your bloggie. Nice Boxes of Life. I like the story too:)
Nice stuff you put in your box! And I think Phinny weawwy wooks up to you as his big bwother doesn't he?
Hi Eddy!! & Phinney of course. I yam glad to see dat you guys filled up da box so well. Dis looks like a nice place to be. Tanks fur purrin' fur my Auntie Stinkie!! I hopes to see you at da Miss Peach's tea party!!
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