November 15, 2007

Thinking about stuff

I is a maj-i-kal boykat. Did yuse know dat???///. \= Dese are stoopid kompooter keys. Dey is good for nuthin and I dont like how dey is always appearin on my blog. Sorry dat was a bit off topik.

Have yuse ever wunder whut ovvers is got in der minds? Not me 'kause I ken find out any time I wants to. I is whut peeps kall tel-e-patik. I ken (da freken c on da kompooter is not workin good today, so I'm gonna use da k when i ken, I hope youse ken understan whut Ise meowin about).

Wen I was a babekat i figgered out dat I kud projetk my thots into da peep ladys mind. It aint terribl diffikult to do kause shes yusully verra happy to have me in dere. Dats one of da reesons she a good peep lady. Mostly now I just projetk that me and brofer ed wants temptashuns.

Heres da fing I wants to say today. Peeps and krejurs shuld try to have more interstin thots when Ise around. Purrheps peeps kud think headskritches and bellyrubs or about birdies and fishes, insted of work. That'd be better dont you agree

1 comment:

Jan Price said...

Hey, Eddy,

We definitely agree with you. Would you teach us how to get inside Jan's head so we can convince her to buy us some new toys and some fancier chow?

Jan's Funny Farm residents