November 09, 2007

sumfing frum phinny the babecat

i gotted up way earlyer dan brofer ed an dat peep lady to check if dere was sum temtashins in da food dish yet. nope der is not.

dis was dissapointin.

so i thot mebbe sum a youse left me a mesaj on de innernet. nope, nuffin goin on der eifer.

So, i decided to show everaone my picjure *-wehn i iz helpin dat peep lady work on her compooter. Dis is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Opps is vera difecult to reach all da punktoashun.

an i dont unnerstand whut des fings is fore.

Dis is wher dat chippy fing frum da kamra goes - into dat hole down dere

An, dis is me checkin da phinished picjures. Opps dat dog is wakin up, and brofer ed is knockin on da peeps door to wak'em up.

By, luv frum phinny


The Furry Kids said...

Phinny, you are a good helper. I hope you ended up getting some temptations.


Anonymous said...

way ta go werkin' that thingy! we'z still gotta ask the big wuns ta help us on account of we'z only 2 munfs old. we gotta say yur the cutest little fluffy guy we effur meeted!
Rascal & Riley

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Phinney, yoo is furry cute. Is Eddy being good to you?

Boy said...

Phinney you're helping vewy well! Demand payment for your help! Temptations would be good.

Chase and Mel said...

you are a funny cat. it is nice to meet you !!(: