September 12, 2007

The hoohooectomy

Its done. The lady peep was kinda worried about him yesterday,when he got home from the VET 'cause she thought he looked pretty swelled up back there (especially since what should have been there was gone, if you know what I mean). Anyway the lady peep put me in charge of checking him out. I tried to sniff his butt to see if there were any problems - but I forgot - I really don't like that VET smell. It makes me hiss and spit. So naturally Phinny got his feelings hurt and ran away (heh heh, Phinny runs funny when he's all stoned up from the VET) and hid. He finally came out from inside the reclining chair when the lady peep put some Temptations on the floor. So while he was eating ALL the temptations, I checked out his hoohooectomy region.

It looked fine to me. There is no stitches or anything. I tried to explain to the lady peep that it's supposed to look a little sore the first day or so. Me and Phinny are watching it closely. We'll keep you aprised of any changes.

On a totally different note. Thank you to everyone who commented on our strange "anonymous" post the other day.


The Crew said...

Poor Phinny. Max and I remember our hoo-ha-ectomy experiences at the V.E.T. And you're right, no one likes the doctor office smell. It's awful!

Just tell Phinny to keep the area clean and he should be feeling better in a day or two.

The Furry Kids said...

I hope Phinny feels better soon!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom amemebers when Speedy gots his done WITH A LAZER! They left da furry "saks" but dey is empty now. And dey looked bigger when he came home den dey did when he left. We all hope Phinny feels better...

Anonymous said...

we're glad you're both watching it closely. stuff like that's gotta be watched. we sure hope he's back to his normal bouncy self now. purrrrrrs from the whole huge bunch of us!

muffinmidi said...

Poor Phinny. I hate that vet smell, too. It was was very good of you to check out his butt.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh we hopes Phinny feels better soon around his...youknow...hooha area ~The Fluffy Tribe

The Tower Hill Mob said...

Oh, poor Phinny! We hope he feels better soon. Soon he will have forgotten all about it...