August 16, 2007

We're having a Party...

'cause it's just about my "Coming to live with the Peeps forever" anniversary. (Actually it's tomorrow, the same day as the man peep's birthday) but we're gonna celebrate it next Saturday (August 25, 2007). Can you believe I'm more than two years old already.

Anyway the peeps is planning like crazy. They've invited almost 100 people to come to party and eat in the backyard...the backyard is not that big by the way...they've rented tables and chairs and glasses, etc...they are going to have lobster (which I never tasted before and I think its kinda not nice to have food that the guest of honor never tasted) The lobsters is coming all the way from the East Coast on an airplane. All the people from the man peeps work are coming (because he's their boss and he wants them to know how much he appreciates them) and lots of the lady peeps friends. It should be a blast.

What...could it be that I'm not actually the guest of honor and this party is not for me...? Well it doesn't really matter because there will be lots of things to do and see. The planning is making the lady peep's hair turn white. I'll show you a picture afterwards, unless of course she pulls it all out before then. She's running around with a list in her hand from morning till night muttering things like ...potato salad or macaroni salad or both? what about parking? how much beer should we get? wine glasses, s**&>, I'll have to wash all the wine glasses too...

We'll see how this all works out.


The Meezers or Billy said...

happy gotcha day!!! sounds like a fun party!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Eddy, I'll come over tomoro to help celebrate yoor Gotchaversary in a speshul way...It is not possibul dat da party is not fur yoo! Isn't effurything suppose to be fur us? We're cats and the most importint beings on da planet! Sheesh, some beans just haf no respekt.~Zippy

Anonymous said...

Of course the party is for you - they're trying to set it up as a surprise. You know...pretend it's for the man's birthday and then SURPRISE! bring you out and shower you with Temptations and tuna and nip and presents. Just pretend like you don't suspect a thing. It's more fun that way.
Why's your mom worrying about washing glasses? Don't the rented glasses come clean already? Do you have to pay extra for clean glasses?

Boy said...

Of course you're the guest of honour!
It's your Gotcha Day!
Anyway, even if it isn't, whenever there is a kitty, he or she will BE the guest of honour because I mean, we're just such awesome beings aren't we?

Christine and FAZ said...

Remind her to get lots of stinky goodness for your friends too. Have a great party. FAZ

Lux said...

That sounds like quite a party is planned - they've even ordered lobsters just for you!

Happy Gotchaversary!

KXBC said...

Hate to tell you this but this party is not for you. :(

But it's okay, you can still have some lobster that day. Can you send some to me too? I have not tasted lobster before.

From fat Kim Kim on the other side of the world